Kate Deimling is a freelance French-to-English translator from Brooklyn, New York specializing in fiction and non-fiction with a particular focus on art and museums. She has translated several books and also offers English-language editing services. She holds a Ph.D. in French language and literature from Columbia University and has been invited to speak on translation by institutions including Montclair State University, the Middlebury Institute for International Studies at Monterey, and Duke University.
Kate also writes poetry and fiction. Her poems have appeared in Tar River Poetry, Valparaiso Poetry Review, SLANT: A Journal of Poetry, Plainsongs, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, The Midwest Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, I-70 Review, and other literary magazines, and she is a poetry editor at Bracken.
All text on site and slider photos © Kate Deimling 2020-2024